Play, Play, Sleep, and Play!
Hi! This is me in da picture. I’m Hyyype…I dunno how to spell my whole name yet.
Jumping, running, chasing my brothers and sisters, and toys are my favorite! If I hear a strange sound I run to it! If da Uncle Irons is around I goes to see if he wants to play.
Mr Coalie is so shy and always meows when I get too close. Das ok. I just play wit his tail. Then I chase my own tail around and round and round. I can’t stop moving and I know I’m the fastest! Mommy says so. If I could eat and play at da same time that would be awesome! Sometimes I forgets to eat cuz I can’t stop playing.
But then I eats and I get so sleepy.
Finding a place to snooze is so fun. I found dis place…the little box in the picture. It was purrfect! I got in and went around and round and round until I felt it was just right. Snoozin’ is da best! And boxes are dat best too! But playing in boxes is my favorite!
OK – it’s allll da best! Night night 🙂