The Little Moons Collection
I Wasn’t Napping I Swear
Purrfect Paws
Watching Over Pandora
The Adoption Event Experience
Coal and I were two of the oldest there. Still, it was good to get ourselves out of the house and meet some new people. This was definitely not where Coal could thrive and show his personality. He mostly stayed curled in the corner of the cage. He said he was still so nervous from all the other times we were at shelters. It certainly helped having our foster human stay by our side while she told everyone about us. Read more
Coalie Ravioli
At first it may seem I am shy about my eating, but that’s because I am a little picky. When the food is new to me, I have to smell it, get used to it, and see if the other cats are OK after they eat it. It’s a process, but once I get around to eating, I lose track of which bowl is which – which is mine, which is Iron’s – and I just eat all of it. My new foster parents even started calling me Coalie Ravioli. I know what a ravioli is, too. It’s a piece of pasta stuffed with food. Heh – just like me.