The Couch
It is always the best part of the day. She gets home, and I know food is coming soon. I rub against her leg and let her scratch me on the head like she usually does.
“I know – you guys are starving.”
If only I could talk: “Yes, we are!” She makes sure to serve both Iron and I our food at the same time.
Maybe we give her the longing, wide-eyed look too long, but we really can’t wait another minute or we would probably collapse. Then she grabs her noms, and just as we’re done and she’s ready, we know it’s couch time. And that’s the best part of our day. Iron is usually the first onto the couch and always claims his spot next to her. I usually start on the pillow and wait for everyone to settle in.
Iron always snuggles up next to her leg or on her lap as she relaxes on the couch. Every Monday through Friday, we can always look forward to our evening noms and nap on the couch with our foster mom.
Once everyone has their spots, I’ll jump up, sit behind her head and bury my head in her hair. I loooooove hair. Human hair, that is. Cat hair, I’m not much a fan of. It makes the worst hairballs. Her human hair is so silky and long.